Culture Eats | Göteborg 24 feb
What does high-performance really mean? And how can we be sure that people realize their full potential when working together as a team?
When: 24 February 2023 kl 11:30-13:00
Where: Hotel Eggers, Gothenburg
A recent study showed that 79% of a team’s potential is lost to the interaction gap. A gap that emerges when team members can’t tap into the collective knowledge and shared expertise they actually possess.
Just imagine what it would mean, for a team or an entire enterprise, if we could reduce this gap by just 5%!
Learn how you can bridge the interaction gap. Measure and tap into unrealized potential of your team and organization. Join us and Alena Ipanova for the next Culture Eats-event, for a thought-provoking conversation, new perspectives, and actionable takeaways.
About Alena
Alena is an intercultural leadership and team development trainer and coach. Her professional journey has taken her from academia to psychology. After working with international projects, she started her consultancy company, Synergizer, working in the field of global leadership and cultural intelligence. Since then, she’s been stepping into a better version of herself every day. All while helping others do the same!
About Spintr
Spintr is a social platform that facilitates successful organizational cultures with an innovative and comprehensive solution for internal communication. Through digital communication tools, Spintr offers users the optimal conditions to achieve their goals while strengthening the sense of community throughout the organization.
Culture Eats are events organized by Spintr with the aim to build relationships and facilitate knowledge exchange between actors from different industries. We discuss, and offer exciting guests' insights on everything related to organizational culture.