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För att starka varumärken byggs tillsammans

Utrusta dina ledare med en startklar plattform för varumärkesambassadörer som stöttar dina anställda i frontlinjen.

Läs om varför svenska företag väljer Spintr för att stärka sitt varumärke och sina resultat 👇


Lead every step of the way with Spintr

Guide your organization through every critical step of the employee journey with precision and understanding. Spintr gives leaders the tools to attract top talent, optimize onboarding, strengthen ongoing engagement, and support career development, all in line with strategic goals.

collaborate Recruit & Hire

Facilitate recruitment by sharing positive employee experiences and attracting top talent to a vibrant company culture.

onboard Onboard

Streamline the onboarding process with targeted information that ensures quick adaptation and clear role understanding.

Ambitious Engage

Boost team motivation and engagement with regular updates, feedback and praise that reaffirm company values and drivers.

AI-ready Develop

Ensure your employees know your latest products and campaigns using innovative learning methods.

develop Progress

Monitor and manage the development of the company to ensure that it is in line with growth and that employees are satisfied.

experience Off-boarding

Ensure a positive exit experience and transform employees who leave into long-term brand advocates.

Employee platforms, it's time to change!

The traditional intranet is a relic of the past. Now that AI and a younger, digitally-oriented frontline are changing the playing field, it's time to update your strategy. Your teams are smart, collaborative and dispersed, so your solution needs to keep up.



  • Top Down Information
  • Centralized Information
  • Document Management



  • Employees have a voice
  • Employee Engagement
  • Knowledge Sharing



  • Connects employees
  • Real-Time Comm.
  • Project Management

Late 2010 - Today


  • Employees matter
  • Personalization
  • Well-being focus

The platform for those who want more 👇

If you want to bring your brand to life throughout the customer journey, you need more than just an employee platform - you need one that gets leadership and employees engaged and delivers a consistent brand:


  • Fully mobile and responsive
  • AI-supported productivity
  • Support onboarding and training
  • Deepen relationships between leaders and employees
  • Collaborative digital workspaces
  • Data-driven insights for action
  • Personalized experience

Spintr - built from the ground-up with future vision for today and tomorrow

Spintr delivers a united, all-in-one, custom-built cloud-based employee experience platform that is proven, consistently updated, and has built-in redundancy for business resilience when the unexpected happens. And yes–it handles basic intranet functions really well too.  

user experience User Experience

The Spintr employee experience platform integrates all aspects of the employee journey into a single, intuitive platform. From onboarding to collaboration, knowledge sharing, and celebrating corporate culture, it unifies disparate tools. This creates a seamless experience that fosters a collaborative and productive work environment.

personalized engagement Personalized Engagement

Unlike static intranets, the Spintr  platform prioritizes personalization. You can tailor individual roles, preferences, and responsibilities, ensuring each employee receives relevant information, resources, and updates. You can also recognize and celebrate employees for personal and team achievements. This personalized touch enhances engagement, satisfaction, and overall work experience. 

data-driven insights for continuous improvement Data-Driven Insights for Continuous Improvement

Harness the power of data analytics to gain valuable insights into employee engagement, performance, and utilization of resources. Leverage this information to make informed decisions, identify trends, and continuously enhance the employee experience. Drive organizational growth through data-driven strategies.

mobile-first accessibility Mobile-First Accessibility

Enable your workforce to stay connected and productive anytime, anywhere. The Spintr employee experience platform is designed with a mobile-first approach, allowing employees to access critical information, collaborate on projects, and stay engaged on the go. This flexibility empowers your team to adapt to the demands of the modern work environment.

agile collaboration and communication Agile Collaboration and Communication

Break down communication silos with the Spintr employee experience platform’s agile collaboration features. Foster real-time communication, facilitate project collaboration, and encourage cross-functional teamwork. Experience a paradigm shift

future-proof Future-Proof

As the nature of work evolves, the Spintr employee experience platform is designed to evolve with it. Future-proof your organization by investing in a platform that adapts to emerging technologies, changing work patterns, and evolving employee expectations. Stay ahead in the competitive landscape with a forward-thinking approach to employee experience.

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Ready to take your brand to the next level?